Thursday 30 May 2013

Endball challenge

Yesterday Room 2 had their endball tournament against Room 7. Sadly we lost, but we tried our best and I'm sure that we will win next time!!! It was a close game ending in a draw at full time. It went into extra time where we just let the win slip away. Great try guys! Posted by Lauren and Maggie :-)
Make a video of your own at Animoto.


  1. We all did very well!!! We tried our best and that's all we can do. Their defence was definitely better than ours in the first half and we kept losing possession so it was a well played game by Room 7!! A good game and both teams should be proud.


  2. Our class did very well. We lacked on defense in the first half but we picked it up in the second half. We threw away the ball quite a lot but room 7 had pretty good defense.

  3. Great job everyone! I could tell that everyone tried their best by how red our faces were!!!!!!!!!!!! Room 7 did have better defense, but in the end both teams should be very proud!


  4. Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!
