Monday 11 November 2019

Ki o Rahi Tournament

Last week WIS was fortunate to hold the interschool Ki o Rahi tournament on our grounds.
Tegan, Elise, Ashlee, James, Jordy and Jobe all partcipated in the A and B team.
Both teams made it to the final and the A team took first place, 22-16. We were lucky enough to go out and support both teams in the final

Tangaroa CourtHouse Trip

As a part of our study into systems and societies, rights and responsibilities, Tangaroa took a field trip to the Nelson Court Rooms last week. We were shown around the court house and given explanations of how things work regarding our rights and responsibilities.
“To find out how the court system works, Room 15 did a role play. We figured out that the 12 Jurys have the power of making the accused either guilty or not, the judge just issues the sentence. There is also the offence that is charged against the accused and the defence that tries to defend the accused. The newspaper is also present and the police guards that keep the audience safe. It was fascinating to see what really happens.” Amber Mason

“After the courts house, as class we went to walk the to the centre of New Zealand. It only took about 15 minutes to walk up and around 10 minutes to get down. When we got to the top we could see the beautiful view of Nelson, hills and our amazing ocean” Hannah Williams.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Water monitoring

Room 15 have been learning about the indicators of a healthy stream and today with the help of Mel

McCoglan went
walked above Easby Park to do some tests.

We checked the water clarity, by filling up a metre tube and moving a black spot until we couldn't see it any more.

Then we were finally able to get our shoes wet and try find different micro invertebrates in the stream.
If we found highly sensitive ones, like the Mayfly, then we would know that the health of the stream was good. We had two rare finds a water spider and a young elver Eel.

The rest of our photos can be found here

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Tangaros's Sasa

Last week, Tangaroa performed a Sasa that they have been learning during music to the Henley Junior Syndicate and during the school assembly. 
Watch this video to enjoy part of the performance...

Thursday 25 July 2019

Puberty Revision

Term 3 is off to a great start already!!
Today we were in groups sorting cards in to the pubertal change, a description and a picture of this change. Fantastic discussion between all groups, a lots of laughs and learning went on today.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

NMIT speaker

Nic Kidson from  the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology came in to talk to all the Year 8 students about the opportunities NMIT has to offer. She discussed the skills and qualities needed in the 21 century, how jobs in the future will change and what courses are available to study at NMIT. Nic also talked about the advantages of studying locally and how you can save money by living at home and taking advantage of the free study options. Students loved the prizes she gave out for answering questions, and Nic was very impressed by our students engagement and thoughtful questions. 
What did you like about this talk?

Circus visits WIS

We were lucky to have a circus perform at Waimea, many students were involved in the act and Holly was a star show, spinning plates on top of rod whilst rolling over on the floor. It was a spectacular show and the students love being involved.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Brain Gymnastics

Bruno, from Brazil, came to show our class how we can do Brain gymnastic's activities to make our brains more ready to learn, develop our concentration and problem solving skills.
Here are some photos and thoughts from the students.

Obrigada Bruno, thanks for coming in to our class today. I enjoyed all the activities we did. Holly

Obrigado Bruno for coming in to our class today to teach us how to make squares, I enjoyed the knot game. Brooklyn

Obrigada Bruno, it was so fun to have you in class. Emily

Obrigado Bruno for coming in and teaching us about how the brain works and teaching us how to make squares out of different shapes. Leigh

Monday 20 May 2019

Boot Skoot

In dance we have been learning different line dances around the world. Here is a video of us learning to Boot Skoot.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Whenua Iti

Room 15 finally had their turn with Whenua Iti on Tuesday.
We reflected on this session by thinking about the skills and qualities we used during the session.
Here are some student reflections and photos...

I showed team work when I helped pass the mat along to cross a pretend river. We were playing a game that involved pretending that we were going over a river filled of acid and the mats were the only thing we could step on. It was SO much fun to play and the boys were funny. - Amber

I followed instructions when we were getting the ping pong balls to the end of the track. And we dropped the ping pong ball a couple of times. By listening to the people next to me, when to get ready. - Abby

I showed communication when I talked clearly and loudly in the minefield activity and made sure my partner didn't hit a mine. - Cam

I followed instructions when I was blindfolded and walking across the mine field and Seb yelled instructions like, stop, left, right and big step. - Brooklyn

I showed leadership with explaining the picture in one of the games to the other group. - Hannah

I showed leadership when we did the skiing by yelling left, right, to get our group in time, and using a loud clear voice so others can hear. - Jordan