Monday 2 November 2015

Solar ovens

We learnt how the sun captures energy and can use this energy for cooking. Students researched different solar designs and could bring in items to create a solar oven. Students were given gladwrap for trapping the heat, silver tinfoil for reflection and black paper to absorb the heat. Johnny and Sean made a huge effort bring in glass and it paid off as their oven reached the hottest temperatures, around 90 degrees. The class then cooked smores in their ovens.
Here are some of their designs

Social Action

In term 3 we found out that 1 in every 4 children in New Zealand are living in poverty. We were shocked by this information and wanted to do something about it. In small groups we planned how we would make a difference for these children. Some groups collected food, old clothing, toys, other groups had a coin trail or sold baking at school. These groups raised around $130 that they donated to KidsCan
Here are some pictures of their efforts. I am very proud of my students!!

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Child Poverty in New Zealand

This term we are looking at the rights and responsibilities of children. In New Zealand, we have found out that there are many children not having there rights being met. We were shocked that child poverty exists our own country.
Watch this video and record in your topic book, as many facts on child poverty in New Zealand.

Monday 22 June 2015

Nelson City Council Visit

Mel and Cameron's slideshow
Paris and Eve teamwork
Mel and Cameron from Nelson City Council came to talk to us about civil engineering. We saw a slide show about what they do, like fixing the water systems, designing the Saxton stadium and putting up artwork. We then built a structure that Leonardo Da Vinchi designed for the soldiers to cross, using ice blocks and blue tack, to show us what civil engineers do. It was a challenge to build but really fun. 
It was a great afternoon and we really appreciated them coming in.

Sean and Haupai problemsolving
Cory and Taylor about to test their bridge
By Caleb, Jordan, Bree.A and Leah

Bree, Leah and Le working together

Saturday 6 June 2015

Onomatopoeia artwork

After watching the old Batman fighting video and seeing the onomatopoeia words flashing across the screen, we were inspired to create some of our own. Here are some amazing examples of students work.
By Sophia

By Leah

By Le

By Mika

By Serina

Tuesday 2 June 2015


This week we are learning how to write Limericks, watch this video to learn more.

Do you have a good limerick?

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Guess the job, written by students

1. I must be reliable when responding to call outs and deal with disruptive people respectfully. Who am I? By Taylor

2. You serve many people and need a strong balance arm. Your workplace can get very full. By Bridie

3. I work with loud rumbling things. My work is very important so people can quickly go to other places. By Mika

4.I allow people to spill all of their worries out to me. By Serina

5. I come home smelling nice. I need to be neat and have a good taste for colour. By Sophia

Remember to write your name after your guesses :)

Monday 11 May 2015

Guess the job

1. You need a degree, but have no uniform. You have lots of work but your job is very rewarding as people succeed. Bells sound.

2. You often come home smelling of yeast. Your work place can get hot.

3. You always need to be on time. Many people thank you as they leave. You need to be good with money but don't need a degree. A license is a must.

4. You are not always needed but without you it would be alot worse. Bells sound. You need alot of experience and may get wet.

Remember to put your name at the end of all 4 guesses!!

Monday 4 May 2015

Guess the job

1. My training is very difficult and without my uniform I would die.

2.I wear a uniform and I keep people safe in a dangerous situation.

3.I make things that help either love or hate.

4. I have to be very strong and I wear special shoes.

Remember to write your name after you guess

Sunday 3 May 2015

Random acts of kindness

We are focusing on being kind to others and showing our RISE values. Check out what effect you can have on other when you do something nice.

I challenge you to do a random act of kindness, then write here what you did, but don't mention who it was for.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Blog comment winners

Congratulations to Serina who won the blog competition for writing the most comments over the term. Awesome work and keep it up Serina, enjoy the magazine and chocolate. Well done to Bree who came in second, I am sure you will like the snakes!
Thank you to all students who made comments over the term.
Remember to include your name when you comment this term so that you can get your comment recorded :)
Miss B


Seans poppy
In Room 10 we have been learning about  the Gallipoli war and Anzac Day.
As a contribution to Anzac Day the people in food tech made cupcakes and decorated them by making an iced poppy.

We have also made paper poppies and recorded feelings from the soldiers. 
We are making comic strips about war stories for writing.
 Our poem of the week was about the war.
Feelings from the soldiers

What have you found out about ANZAC day?
By Bree.A and Paris :)

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Crafting powerful sentences

In writing we have been learning how to write interesting sentences by changing boring ones!
We used a dependent clause, verbs and adjectives to create an interesting mood.

Here are some most interesting ways to write
  The boy went up the stairs.

Josh wrote; With a burning red face, the boy destructively stomped up what was left of the stairs.

Angel wrote; With a shiver to his spine, the terrified boy creeped up the old dusty staircase.

Harry wrote; Hot on his heels, the boy cascaded up to the top of the stairs.

Bree.A wrote; Emotions running wild, the boy stormed up the depressing stairs.

Flax flowers

Reading and following the instructions
As part of our reading rotation, we have been reading instructions on how to make flax flowers, Chrysanthemum's. We learnt some rules when using flax and how it is an important part of our culture. Some students found it trick to follow the instruction, but they got there in the end!
A finished Chrysanthemum

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Birthday Thank You

Thanks Hannah
Bree, Sophia, Leah and Paris, thank you!
Thank you to the amazing students who spoilt me on my birthday by making amazing cakes!!

I really appreciate your effort and thought, and I am sure the class really enjoyed eating the cake.

It was really nice that you all sung happy birthday to me after lunch :)

Awesome cake!!
Thank you very much.

Monday 16 March 2015


We have been learning about asking open and closed questions to find out more about our class culture. Today we interviewed a class mate to find out more about them. We put into practise our notetaking skills. Thursday they will be turning their notes into paragraphs. We can't wait to read these and find out more about our classmates.
What is something interesting you found out about your classmate, that you din't know before?