Wednesday 29 February 2012

Who can spot the difference?

This picture looks the same at first glance, but there are actually 16 differences in the pictures. Post a comment if you can you see any of them?
Can you see any of the 16 differences? Click to make the picture bigger.

Monday 27 February 2012

Interclass Battle

At lunch time today Room 2 and 13, faced off against each other at non-stop cricket. It was a brutal battle with some good catching and smashing of the ball. Unfortunately we lost the game, but showed improvements with our fielding.
Eve epic hitting.

Class watches on as Jade smashing the ball.

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Today we talked about what makes a good friend and what you will do to be a good friend. You had great ideas about what makes good friends, like being trustworthy and honest, having fun, cheering you etc.
Do you have any good examples of something that shows a good friend?
Try not to use names

Example: My friend is good because when I get sad about missing my family, she cheers me up by taking my mind off it, like suggesting we go for a walk.

Can you think of some other real examples of what makes a good friend?

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Tahunanui Beach Trip

Tahuna Syndicate Beach Trip on PhotoPeach

What was your favourite part of the day?

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Culture brainstorm

Do you have anything else to add to our "What does culture mean" brainstorm?

I am Poem by Caleb.F

Here is an example of the poems we have been writing in class this week.
I really like how Caleb has made his poem flow! Well done Caleb.

I am a boy who loves basketball.
I wonder if I will make the under 15 reps
I hear people cheering as I dribble down the court.
I see a defender trying to steal the ball.
I want to be a professional basketball player.

I am a year 8 who loves guitar.
I pretend I’m a rockstar with my amp on full blast.
I feel good when people clap after I play.
I touch the strings of my guitar as I strum to the music.

I am a softballer who loves to pitch.
I understand the rules of the game.
I say friendly words of encouragement to my team mates.
I dream of smacking a super homerun.
I try my hardest in every game.
I hope to win every time.
I am a 12 year old who loves to play.

Remember to leave him a comment.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Favourite Subject

What is your favourite subject at School?Example: Maths, Reading, P.E, Tech
What do you hope to learn about this year? Example: Amazon, Space, Animals etc

Don't forget to write your name at the end of your comment!!!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Blog Agreement

Once you have read the Blog Guidelines and you agree to respect all of the requests then please write your name in the comment box and say that you agree.By writing your name you are making a commitment to our class blog.

For example: Miss Bibbys agrees to the guidelines.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Do you know where I am?

On my holiday I went to this exciting place, post a comment guessing where I am.
Remember to add your name to your comment.