Monday 28 May 2018

Black ferns at school

Saphire, Rebecca and Zoe playing in the Rugby tournament
Saphire in the news

Jonty with the Black Ferns world cup trophy

Thursday 17 May 2018

Week 3 Dance

Students in Room 10 have been learning a simple hand action. They have now transformed that by adding some dance techniques, jumping, reaching, turning and adding different levels.
Check out some of their progress below..

Here is the original hand dance...

Here are some of the dances with the dance techniques added...

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Girls Rippa Tournament

Today Rebecca, Maddie, Annie, Saphire, Zoe and Savanna participated in the girls Rippa tournament. The schools that participated were NIS, NCG, BIS, Parklands and Waimea. Rebecca and Annie were in WIS Silver and versed Maddie's team WIS Black in the Finals. WIS Silver ended up coming 2nd and Wis Black came first. The score was 5-2. It was super fun and a good opportunity to get outside and play in a fun tournament. Everyone did a really good job!! 

Written Maddie and Rebecca

Spelling rule 1 : Y to ies

Watch this video for more help learning this weeks spelling rule