Sunday 17 September 2017

Maori Language week

On Thursday Room 10 went over to First Years Preschool to present our Te Reo maori books that we had prepared in the previous weeks. The books had colours, animals and numbers all in Te Reo. The kids really enjoyed the books and it was a good way to celebrate Maori Language Week as a community.

By Abby

On Thursday Room ten visited First Years Preschool. We had been planning this for a few weeks, but decided to go during this week as it was rather special, it was Maori Langauge Week. During class time, we had been making Te Reo booklets as part of our Te Reo learning. We also learnt 3 songs and shared them too. It was a great trip and it was also awesome to see the faces of the kids light up when we showed them our booklets.
By Emily

Check out the video our our action song

Thursday 7 September 2017

This weeks poem was about spring personified. Personification is when something is given human like qualities. The students wrote their own poems, focusing on using active verbs and personification. We tried presenting them on ADDTEXT, a new site we are learning to use, so here are some examples...

By Abby

By Cullem

By Emily

By Olivia

By Seth

Wednesday 6 September 2017


We are learning how to use a new site called ThingLink to share our learning.
These shots are about our trip to the Nelson Courts, and somethings we found out on our trip.
Here are a few examples..
Make sure you hover your mouse over the photo to find the hot spots!!

By Olivia and Brooke

By Summer and Annameika

By Asha