Wednesday 27 February 2013

Friendship Brainstorm

We started the year not knowing each other!
Now the term has began we are starting to get to know each other and making new friends.

What qualities do YOU LOOK for in a friend?

What qualities do you think YOU NEED to be a good friend?

Remember to add your name as a comment!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Guess the word

Well done for guessing last weeks word, yes it was address!
Do you know this weeks word?

Remember to put your name after you guess.

Friday 22 February 2013

Tahunanui Beach Trip

Yesterday Rooms 1, 2, 21 and 22, better known as Tamanui te Ra syndicate, went out on their beginning of the year trip to Tahunaui Beach. It was a fantastic hot day, so jamming into the bus was not pleasant! But once we arrived the fun began!! The morning was spent on the playground and sports fields, were new friendships were made. After refueling on a sausage (or two) we headed down to the beach. The water was refreshing as the scorching hot sun was blazing at this time of day. Sand castles and cricket was the action on the sand. Then it was time to pack up and head back to school. Thank you all for a fantastic day, and thanks to the parents would made it down.

Check out the video of photos and then leave a comment about what was the best part of your day.

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

Monday 18 February 2013

What is culture?

What does CULTURE mean to you???

What does this picture have to do CULTURE???

Do you know where this photo was taken???

Do you know something about this CULTURE???

Put your name with your ideas!

Guess the word

Can you use the 4 picture clues and the letters below to create a word that suits the picture.

The first correct answer will get a prize.

Remember to put your name!

Wednesday 6 February 2013

The best thing you did in the holidays..

Vanderley at the top of the saddle.
What was the best thing you did in the holidays?
The best thing I did in the holidays was going biking over the Tantragee Saddle with my new mountain bike. It was hard work biking up the hill!! But it was worth the climb, because afterwards I zoomed down the hill as fast as a speeding bullet!! Lots of fun!!

Share with us (as a comment) one of the best things you did in the holidays. Remember to write your name at the end of your comment!

2013 Blog Agreement

Once you have read, and understand, the Blog Guidelines, if you agree to respect all of the requests then please write your name in the comment box and say that you agree. By writing your name you are making a commitment to our class blog, and to keep to the guidelines agreed upon as a class. For example: Miss Bibbys agrees to the guidelines.