Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Whenua Iti

Room 15 finally had their turn with Whenua Iti on Tuesday.
We reflected on this session by thinking about the skills and qualities we used during the session.
Here are some student reflections and photos...

I showed team work when I helped pass the mat along to cross a pretend river. We were playing a game that involved pretending that we were going over a river filled of acid and the mats were the only thing we could step on. It was SO much fun to play and the boys were funny. - Amber

I followed instructions when we were getting the ping pong balls to the end of the track. And we dropped the ping pong ball a couple of times. By listening to the people next to me, when to get ready. - Abby

I showed communication when I talked clearly and loudly in the minefield activity and made sure my partner didn't hit a mine. - Cam

I followed instructions when I was blindfolded and walking across the mine field and Seb yelled instructions like, stop, left, right and big step. - Brooklyn

I showed leadership with explaining the picture in one of the games to the other group. - Hannah

I showed leadership when we did the skiing by yelling left, right, to get our group in time, and using a loud clear voice so others can hear. - Jordan


  1. It was really fun! Thanks for putting my writing up!!!

  2. It was so much fun thanks to Whenua Iti for running it for our school.

  3. i had so much fun at whenua iti i liked the ski game -hannah

  4. i really loved the carpet one!!!

  5. It was so much fun at whenua I like the carpet one.

  6. It was very fun to do all of the activities, I especially enjoyed the carpet activity and the mine field. I hope that we can do stuff like this in the future. -Harrison

  7. whenua iti was so much fun..

  8. it was great fun. it was funny for seb when he made me walk further but atleast I didnt die as much

