Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Brain Gymnastics

Bruno, from Brazil, came to show our class how we can do Brain gymnastic's activities to make our brains more ready to learn, develop our concentration and problem solving skills.
Here are some photos and thoughts from the students.

Obrigada Bruno, thanks for coming in to our class today. I enjoyed all the activities we did. Holly

Obrigado Bruno for coming in to our class today to teach us how to make squares, I enjoyed the knot game. Brooklyn

Obrigada Bruno, it was so fun to have you in class. Emily

Obrigado Bruno for coming in and teaching us about how the brain works and teaching us how to make squares out of different shapes. Leigh


  1. Hey Room 15! Here is Bruno! I enjoyed a lot doing some Braim Gymnastics with you! Congratulations for the good work you all did. You are great students and your brains are working very well! Hope to see you again soon!

  2. I got there late but the few minutes I was here filled my heart with happiness
