Wednesday 18 May 2011

End Ball

On Tueday the 17th of May Room 2 competed in the interclass competition of End Ball.
We played against Room 7, a team who had clearly had a lot of practise.
Our dream team started on the court, and the score rushed away on us, but we managed to score 3 goals in a row to bring the scores back to a draw of 14 all at full time.
The game went into extra time, the team that scored 2 goals ahead would be the winner.
Room 7 started with the ball, and unfortunately scored 2 quick goals.
We our now looking forward to the next interclass competition, which we think is Soccer.
Here are some shots from yesterday...

Amber looking for someone to pass

Ben about to take a great catch

Regan with his super passing.
Logan showing his fantastic defence.
Great defence from Room 7, but Amber was able to find the gap.

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