Thursday 7 November 2013

Social Action - Salvation Army

Last term, the students in room two from Waimea Intermediate learnt about poverty throughout and around the world, we were all appalled at how they had to live and what they had to go through. But what really shocked us was the fact that one in four people in New Zealand live in poverty.
We were all deeply saddened with the factual information we found during our learning so we decided to take social action and do something to help the people in our community that need it most. We brainstormed ideas of how we could help and came to the conclusion to gather things from home to put together some decorated boxes to donate to the Salvation Army.
Each student in our class contributed to the box by donating food, clothes, toys etc. Room 2 hope that these boxes, filled with some of the necessities for families living in poverty, benefit many people and their families to help to brighten their situation and put a smile on their face .
We really appreciate all of the help that the Salvation Army provide towards the community and making it a better place with lesser poverty. We hope people do realize what a big difference the Salvation Army are making and the benefits that are happening throughout New Zealand.
The Salvation Army need our help to prevent poverty, everybody’s help counts. If you would like to help out the Salvation army it would be much appreciated if you could donate something too, or go to the toy run on the 30th of November to help support our local community. Every little thing can make a HUGE difference.

By Jordana Arnold, Maggie McLean and Lauren Chaney.


  1. well done for bringing things in everyone


  2. Everybody did a great job donating what they did!!!!
    I think the Salvation Army really appreciated it!


  3. Yah! Everyone did so well with bringing things in!!! It felt really good to be able to help!
