Wednesday 11 September 2013

Who helps?

We have been learning about people whose rights are not been met!

All of the world, over 250 million children are forced into child labour. Working over 16 hours a day, beaten if they are not working hard enough, and all for about 45 cents a day.

Even here in New Zealand we have 1 in 4 children living in poverty. Many children that do not start their day with breakfast or have a school lunch.They do not have proper footwear or warm clothing.

So what groups help people that do not have their rights being met?
What do they do to help?
What can we do to help


  1. I know World Vision are doing their very best to help in many ways like asking for sponsorship.

    I thought maybe we could do some sort of fundraiser like mufti days or a wacky hair day then put all the money towards buying little things to put in shoe boxes and send either to children in child labour or places like World Vision who could send them???? It's like what some people to at christmas!


    1. That's a cool idea Lauren!! I remember doing shoe boxes when I was little!!

    2. sounds good and it would be fun.

