
Link for the Brain

Brain video

Eden video

Rosa pic

Made with Padlet

Neruron and learning photos LINK

Water cycle photos Link

Water activitiy LINK
Made with Padlet




Helpful links for violating rights:

Salvation Army on Youtube

Child poverty in NZ - lots of facts and stats

Unicef - Poverty in NZ

Homeless in NZ - NZ hearld

Kidscan organisation

Child abuse

womensrefuge, domestic-violence

Damp homes article

Anxiety on the rise

Child poverty issues in NZ video

Matariki link

Wheel of strength

Know your skills


Here is the link

1. What is Kaitiakitanga?

2. How does it apply to the way Maori treated the land prior to colonisation?
3. What does it mean to me?


Our History
• 1975 Māori land march
• 1978 Bastion Point protest
• 1981 Springbok rugby tour protests
• 2004 Foreshore and seabed hīkoi.

Find out:
What was the issue?
What action did the pressure/protest group take?
What was the outcome of the action/ protest?

Courts Treasure Hunt

Our Court System
1.How many criminal trials a year?

2.What are the courts functions? – include all 

How decisions are made – sentencing decisions

3.What are the four considerations when sentencing someone? – include all 4

Structure of the courts – diagram
4. What are the four issues the district court deals with?

History of the court system
5. In the 1840’s what was New Zealand described as?

6.When was the Supreme Court of New Zealand set up?

District courts – About the Youth court
7. What age does the youth court deal with?

8. IS the youth courts the same as the adult court?

Find three other interesting things to share about the courts.

Science link

Career area videos

Career Quest


Use this site  to help you name the volcanoes in New Zealand. Record an interesting fact you found out about the volcano beside the name.

How the Brain works

How the Brain learns

What is a Neuron?

Methods of predator control

Pests in New Zealand
DOC site with pests introduced
TEARA site on introduced pests
Introduced pest - Video from 1960s

Metals and non-metals
Metals introduction
Properties of metals
Metals song

Good sorts
Good sorts link

You will look at jobs based on your interests.
Take the quiz to see what your top 10 job choices are. Record these in your topic book.

Job videos
Just the job
Careers Box

Skills and Qualities in Jobs
Use this link to add the skills and qualities from the careers website . 
You will be assigned a slide number to add your information to.

Anzac profiles

This session you are to select (as many as you can)different personnel and watch their VIDEOS about their experience. Click on profiles.

In your writing book I want you to record all the feelings they describe.
eg. terrified

We will then write these on to our poppies.

Anzac websites

Lots of Anzac sites
NZ History
First world war

Here are some video links of immigrate stories.

Watch the videos and look at these websites and add information to your charts in your topic book.

Remember to say where you got your information from!!

Why migrants like New Zealand

NZ Immigrantion Website lots of video links

Stories of Migrants

Migrant stories

Basic stories

Immigrant stories

Celebrations and festival from other countries

Wicked - celebrations and festivals

Immigrants to New Zealand


  1. Thank you so much for making this blog! I am doing a project about child labour ant school too! I am in Year 8 aswell!

  2. Thanks for these websites Miss Bibby they are really helpful
    Serina and Bree C

  3. Thanks for these websites, they are really helpful.
